City of West Sacramento
Home MenuTransportation, Mobility & Infrastructure Commission
The Transportation, Mobility & Infrastructure Commission provides recommendations to the City Council on matters within the Commission's scope of duties and assignments that have been referred to the Commission by the City Council or City Manager. The scope of the Commission includes:
- Transportation Planning
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Policies and Facility Planning
- Goods Movement
- Charging and Fueling Infrastructure for Electric, Hydrogen, and other Alternative Fuel
- Vehicles
- Public Transit
- Ridesharing, Transportation Network Services, and Taxicabs
- Plans and Standards for Roads, Bridges, and Highways
- Flood Management Infrastructure
The Commission shall be the local advisory body, pursuant to 2.20.121(C), for the City’s representative to the Yolo County Transportation District, the governing entity for the streetcar system, the Port Commission, and, as appropriate, the Sacramento Area Council of Governments.
1st Monday of every odd numbered month
Time: 6:00 p.m.
1110 W. Capitol Avenue, 2nd Floor
West Sacramento, CA 95691
Need Assistance?
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office 72 hours in advance at (916) 617-4500 or
If you need translation support, please contact the City Clerk's Office 72 hours in advance at (916) 617-4500 or
How to Participate
- Fill out a Request to Speak card (located at the entrance to the Council Chambers) and give it to the Transportation, Mobility & Infrastructure Commission Clerk
- Provide your comment in advance via email.
Comments received by 4:00 p.m. the day of the Transportation, Mobility & Infrastructure Commission meeting will be provided to the full Commission and staff prior to the meeting. These comments will not be read aloud during the meeting.
All meetings are broadcast live on Astound Cable channel 20 and AT&T channel 99; and replayed the following Tuesday at 12:00 PM and Friday at 7:00 PM.
The West Sacramento Transportation, Mobility & Infrastructure Commission consists of 7 members and 1 alternate member appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council.
- Valerie Zimmer, Chair
- Corey Cummings, Member
- Abteen Kashkouli, Member
- Alex McCreddin, Member
- Pierson Rohr, Member
- Sarah Zuniga, Member
- Waris Banks, Member
- Brandon Fore, Alternate Member
The commission is staffed by the Community Development Department (916) 617-4645.